

Diamonds and Jewellry make a woman look more beautifull

Selasa, 08 Januari 2008


Diamonds, long considered the most prized of gemstones, were first mined in India. Pliny may have mentioned them, although there is some debate as to the exact nature of the stone he referred to as Adamas; In 2005, Australia, Botswana, Russia and Canada ranked among the primary sources of gemstone diamond production.The British crown jewels contain the Cullinan Diamond, part of the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever found (1905), at 3,106.75 carats (621.35 g). Now popular in engagement rings, this usage dates back to the marriage of Maximilian I to Mary of Burgundy in 1477.

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Diamond composed of carbon

Diamond, composed of carbon, is the hardest natural substance in the world. Each carbon atom is surrounded by four neighboring carbon atoms in a tetrahedral coordination that is the result of a covalent bond and a face-centered arrangement in the cubic unit cell. Diamond is in the isometric crystal system, which is reflected in the commonly found octahedral or cubic crystal form. The external crystal class is 4/mBar32/m, while the space group designation is F41dBar32/m. Twins are common on the {111} plane. It has perfect four directional cleavage, adamantine luster, and both a high refractive index, 2.42, and specific gravity, 3.52. Color is usually pale yellow to colorless, but can also be brown, blue, green, orange, red, and black.

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Diamond composed of carbon

Diamond, composed of carbon, is the hardest natural substance in the world. Each carbon atom is surrounded by four neighboring carbon atoms in a tetrahedral coordination that is the result of a covalent bond and a face-centered arrangement in the cubic unit cell. Diamond is in the isometric crystal system, which is reflected in the commonly found octahedral or cubic crystal form. The external crystal class is 4/mBar32/m, while the space group designation is F41dBar32/m. Twins are common on the {111} plane. It has perfect four directional cleavage, adamantine luster, and both a high refractive index, 2.42, and specific gravity, 3.52. Color is usually pale yellow to colorless, but can also be brown, blue, green, orange, red, and black.

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Diamond may be up to 3 billion years old

Diamond may be up to 3 billion years old, which is much older than their surface host rock (Harlow, 1998, p. 60). Diamond crystallization originates some 200 kilometers, or 320 miles, beneath the surface and the disaggregated crystals are merely transported to the surface via kimberlite and lamproite pipes (Harlow, 1998, p. 54). These igneous host rock formations are roughly cylindrical in shape and act as a conduit from the Earth's mantle to the contintental crust.Diamonds are differentiated between various types, Ia, Ib, IIa, and IIb. Although this information is important to the diamond cutter, it is of no value to the student merely interested in diamond as a gemstone. Diamond's superior optical properties and hardness has earned this mineral the highest respect in both industry and jewelry. It has a long tradition of invincibility and hence the Greek name, adamas.

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Conflict Diamonds

The diamond industry is to blame for war in Africa.Fact or Fiction!?! This is fiction! Africa is rampant with political, social, and economic corruption, which is behind wars in Africa. Some have blamed the diamond industry for fueling these struggles because the sale of diamond is one way in which madmen and terrorists raise the money to buy weapons. On other continents, illegal drug trafficking and oil monies finance conflicts. Placing the blame for war on the diamond industry is unfair for African diamond producers as well as the diamond industry in non-war areas.The diamond industry faces a most difficult challenge to continue legitimate business in African mining and cutting plants, while ensuring that monies do not fund rebel armies. In an effort to police the international diamond industry, UN resolutions to US legislation have been offered and debated, but there is never an easy solution to war or greed. Illiteracy and a lack of a broader communication network inhibit human rights progress for the peoples of third world countries. Poverty and over population stress humanity worldwide. It will take a greater global effort than any one industry or government could shoulder to dictate and regulate morality in all cultures and therefore alleviate ignorance and war.The diamond industry is not to blame for war in Africa. Gem diamonds are a luxury item and ironically, the industry has been working for years to promote these diamonds as a symbol for love. Only 20-25% of all mined diamonds go into gemstones and jewelry though; whereas, 75-80% of all diamonds are of great economic importance for industrial applications. One has to wonder if this smear campaign against the diamond industry originated for political, social, or economic motivations.Progress is being made to identify conflict free diamonds. The World Diamond Council has drafted a guide to implementing the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. This system of warrenties is designed to help the industry avoid conflict diamonds and was adopted by fifty-two governments in November, 2002. Read more about conflict diamonds through a photojournalist's eyes, A Diamond's Journey,

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